The Free Press is switching gears into a plastic-free delivery system. Phil McLachlan/The Free Press

The Free Press is switching gears into a plastic-free delivery system. Phil McLachlan/The Free Press

Challenge issued and The Free Press delivers

The Free Press switching gears into plastic-free delivery system

  • May. 29, 2018 12:00 a.m.

When Save On Foods switched to their “no more plastic bags” policy recently, they issued a challenge to businesses to do their part to help the environment.

Rather than just report on what others were doing, at The Free Press we looked to see what we could do differently. The answer was simple: stop delivering the weekly paper in plastic sleeves.

To this end, starting Thursday, May 31, our readers who have The Free Press delivered to their door will begin to see their weekly edition wrapped with an elastic band rather than in a plastic sleeve. The phase out of the sleeves is expected to take about two weeks.

This new initiative is our commitment to promoting a healthy earth.

The carriers have been instructed to place the newspapers at the front door of your home or business. If there is a specific spot you would like the carriers to place your paper, please let us know by contacting

We are committed to providing the best delivery service possible while doing our part to help protect the environment. We appreciate your support in this initiative.

If you are rising to the challenge, let us know so that we can share your ideas. Together we can make a difference.

The Free Press