Bill Kershaw is president of Barriere and Area Chamber of Commerce. (Star/Journal file photo)

Bill Kershaw is president of Barriere and Area Chamber of Commerce. (Star/Journal file photo)

Chamber of commerce asks people to shop local

A letter to the editor of the Barriere Star / Journal

  • Mar. 29, 2020 12:00 a.m.

To the editor,

The Barriere and Area Chamber of Commerce firmly believes it is imperative to lend support to our local business community, whose livelihoods are currently and drastically being affected by the coronavirus spreading across our country and world.

This is causing great hardship and disruption for all due to closures and people who are self-isolating.

As many of you have experienced, our business community has already risen to the challenge and is proving how outstanding it is by providing our area residents with numerous services throughout this difficult time.

It is vitally important that we all take care of each other during this time and that includes doing everything we can to also take care of our community merchants and businesses.

Never has it been more necessary for area residents to “shop local” and help keep our business community “in business.” In doing so, you will be keeping our local economy and much-needed services afloat as well.

If our local businesses are not fully supported, they will be forced to lay employees off, their inventory

or services may dwindle, and many may find that having to pay bills with less income insurmountable.

Although the Barriere and Area Chamber of Commerce office is closed, we have not stopped working to support our local businesses and merchants in any way that we can.

Our staff is currently putting together a list of the status of all businesses and this list will be posted on the window at the Chamber office, our Facebook page, our website and all social media outlets. This list will include current and updated information provided by businesses, such as if are they open or closed. If they are closed, can their merchandise or services still be accessed via telephone or online? If they are a restaurant, are they providing takeout or delivery? If they are general contractors, are they taking on jobs now or bookings for future work, etc.?

In other words, we want to keep our businesses’ and merchants’ information available to the shopping public so you can make an informed decision on supporting our local business economy in these challenging times.

There is no need to go to Kamloops when you can still shop where you live.

If you have an idea or suggestion on helping to support our area businesses, we would love to hear from you. We have some temporary phone numbers set-up if you would like to speak to us. Phone Bill Kershaw at 250-319-4770 or Lianne at 250-299-9038. You can also contact us through email at or message us through Facebook.

We are here to help all businesses and residents through this trying time.

Bill Kershaw, president

Barriere and Area Chamber of Commerce

Barriere Star Journal