Chamber supports new visitor centre

Business group comes out in favour of tourism change while letters to the editor continue and a petition in favour pops up online

Interest builds for Jan. 24 public hearing on the Visitor Centre

Interest builds for Jan. 24 public hearing on the Visitor Centre

The Kelowna Chamber of Commerce has come out in favour of the proposed visitor centre, prior to the public hearing on the rezoning application.

In a press release, the chamber says it has shared space with Tourism Kelowna since 1986 in the current tourism centre on Harvey Avenue saying it is pleased to support plans made by Tourism Kelowna to move its centre closer to the downtown area, on the Queensway jetty lands.

While public opinion rages on in letter’s sent to the Capital News, the chamber says the centre will be a bonus for business.

A petition has also started online with more than 200 residents in favour of the tourism centre.

“An energetic, centrally located tourism centre, dispensing good will and vital information will create a lively and animated destination for our visitors and residents alike,” said the chamber. The centre excels in dispensing this information in a growing range of languages spoken by centre ambassadors, in addition to providing event ticket sales and access to the internet for travelers.”

“Many of our local businesses will be able to place their goods in the retail sales area – honey, other locally sourced food products, books, artwork, and much more,” stated the chamber. “Purchases of such by visitors and locals alike will contribute to the healthy economy of Kelowna and region”

A public hearing will be held in Jan. 24 in Kelowna in council chambers in Kelowna city hall.

“Promoting Kelowna, and its businesses – not to mention its warm and welcoming representatives,” said Tom Dyas, president of the Kelowna Chamber, “is definitely something all of us at the chamber support. We all want Kelowna and region to continue to develop as a centre that everyone wants to visit, consider relocation to, and put down roots.”

Kelowna Capital News