Chamber travel excursion to New Orleans

Kelowna Chamber of Commerce 'Travel & Learn' program headed next to 'The Big Easy.'

The  Kelowna Chamber of Commerce is headed  south to the U.S. with its next “Travel & Learn” program , bound for New Orleans.

The trip departs Kelowna Monday, Oct. 12, 2015, and returns Friday, Octo. 16.

“This is the fourth trip in our popular ‘Travel & Learn’ Program where we host trips for our members and non-members alike,” said Kelowna Chamber chie executive officer Caroline Grover. “We’ve been to China and Italy—and are returning to China this April with 100 travelers.”

“We thought New Orleans would be great fun. Many people have been there, but lots want to see the incredible rebuild following Katrina. New Orleans is now, according to Forbes, the #1 Coolest Start-up City in North America; #2 Best City for a Job; #1 Major Market of the Year – lots of great reasons for our business members to go get an update. Plus, have fun.”

While they are there, the travelers will also enjoy cooking lessons, New Orleans-style; lots of jazz interventions with Celebrity Host Anna Jacyszyn; a swamp cruise; five star hotel stay; and an elegant dinner at Court of Two Sisters.

There’s also lots of free time to explore the French Quarter, where travelers will stay for the entire trip; and historic tours of New Orleans with local guides.

The “Spotlight on New Orleans” was booked with Collette Tours before the surge in the US dollar against Canadian currency, and is therefore, not only a great price, but price-protected from any increases between time of booking until the trip departs.

Chamber members save $100 per person when they book – until May 12, 2015. Total trip cost before member discount is $2,399 Canadian.

The entire trip cost includes round trip airfare from Kelowna to New Orleans (via Seattle, and Alaska Airlines), five star hotel for four nights, six meals, all airport transfers, all tours, cooking lessons. Plus Air Miles.

A nice bonus is the Collette travel waiver: trips are cancellable up to 24 hours prior to departure, and other travel insurance needs are covered for a total of $140.

While in New Orleans, the group has been invited to the New Orleans Chamber to hear about the current economy of the region, the rebuild, and an update on what makes this vibrant port and energy city, tick. New Orleans Chamber CEO Ben Johnson will give an up-to-the-minute update to the group.

Celebrity Tour Host Anna Jacyszyn is locally known in the Okanagan for her popular Jazz Café; and has been the recipient of a host of important arts awards and citations.

Her career began in the UK, as a backup singer to some of the bigs; she soon started her own band, and found herself singing to British, European and Arabic royalty. FIFA, the Olympics, F1 – she’s sung for all the big names at all the big parties.

At home in the Okanagan since 2008, she’s the vice president of the Jazz and Blues Society and singing around the valley nearly every week, often with the Bernie Addington Trio/Quintet. Anna will host the group on this New Orleans trip, from the Café du Monde, to some late-night jazz crawls in the French Quarter.

Travel partners, in addition to Collette, are Marlin Travel in West Kelowna (Gail Fritsen).

The Chamber is hosting an Information Session with a slide show, and an opportunity to meet Anna Jacyszyn on Wednesday, April 8, 4 p.m. The venue will be announced shortly,


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