Changes coming to TMC front entrance

The TMC front entrance will soon be re-configured to allow easier access for those with physical impairments.

Modifications to the front of the Trail Memorial Centre are slated to begin in the next few weeks and wind up by mid-November.

Modifications to the front of the Trail Memorial Centre are slated to begin in the next few weeks and wind up by mid-November.

Entering the front doors of the Trail Memorial Centre will soon be easier for those with physical impairments modifications that include a ramp are expected to begin by month end and wind up by mid-November.

“The plan is to remove two of the bollards at the top end of the driveway in front of the area,” explained Trail Mayor Mike Martin. “Which will then allow for a level area to be established for access to a short ramp up the main walkway area.”

Council agreed to the option back in August and approved a $38,000 budget for engineering, design, tendering and construction.

“We have already expended substantial design and engineering funds looking at alternative designs before finally settling on this modification,” Martin said, noting eight options were explored. “Total expenditures including this construction will be within the allocated budget.”

The front entrance was reconfigured two years ago during Phase 1 of downtown revitalization the city even received an ICBC grant in recognition of the improvements which were deemed an improvement to pedestrian and vehicular safety.

Shortly thereafter, users who require drop-off for the public library, Trail Smoke Eater games and other events, began submitting complaints to the city that the redesign impeded access to the front entrance.

Existing parking spots near the building front were difficult to traverse, the new site was too steep and too far a distance for some. Those who could walk the incline found it a challenge because of the sloped ground.

Council reviewed the ongoing public safety concerns earlier this year, and directed staff to investigate solutions.

“It has been a priority for council to provide improved access to the front of the arena,” Martin added. “We are delighted with the proposal advanced and now seeing the project approved for construction which will take about three weeks to complete.”

The revised access is expected to be available before Remembrance Day.

Trail Daily Times