Charges proceed

Legal action has resulted from a recent search for a Vernon man

Legal action has resulted from a recent search for a Vernon man.

The RCMP and Vernon Search and Rescue were called into action after a 25-year-old man was reported missing Tuesday. He returned home on his own Thursday and was taken into custody by the police.

“It appears that he was not missing as was said but was doing other things,” said Gord Molendyk, RCMP spokesperson.

On Tuesday, an individual went for a motorbike ride of the Commonage and when he did not come back, his family phoned the police for assistance.

Besides RCMP officers and Search and Rescue volunteers, a helicopter was used in the search.

“The family was concerned and we put out all kinds of resources,” said Molendyk.

Kyle Macinnes appeared in court Friday on four counts of failing to comply with recognizance of bail.



Vernon Morning Star