Charities and non-profits can now benefit from liquor auction rules

BC non-profits and charities have a new way to raise money for causes that benefit society

Ministry of Justice

Non-profits and charities have a new way to raise money for causes that benefit society, as the B.C. government relaxes the rules around auctioning liquor.

Following through on an earlier commitment, the B.C. government is allowing privately-donated liquor, such as a vintage bottle of wine or a rare bottle of scotch from an individual’s private collection, as well as liquor donated by a business or manufacturer, to be put up for auction – as long as the funds raised go towards a charitable purpose.

Effective today, small volumes of liquor – up to two cases of wine, eight 750ml bottles of liquor, and/or 24 six-packs of beer, cider or coolers – can be auctioned without a permit.

For larger volumes of liquor, a $50 permit will be required. The permitting process is quick and simple, and was developed in consultation with the non-profit and charity sector.

The B.C. government launched a review of B.C.’s liquor laws in August.

The public consultation component, which saw an unprecedented level of engagement, closed on Oct. 31, 2013.

Drawing from feedback on his blog,  which was visited more than 76,000 times in seven weeks, and his consultations with stakeholders and industry groups, John Yap, Parliamentary Secretary for Liquor Policy Reform, will provide his recommendations to Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton on Nov. 25, 2013.

The goal of the liquor policy review is to make balanced changes that reflect current lifestyles, continue to grow B.C.’s economy and minimize health and public safety impacts.

To learn more about the rules for liquor licensing in B.C., visit:


Barriere Star Journal