Cheam Vista Classical Concert Society formed

Formation of new classical concert society bodes well for the culture scene in Harrison

  • Nov. 14, 2016 12:00 p.m.
The newly formed Cheam Vista Classial Society.

The newly formed Cheam Vista Classial Society.

The dreary weather this past Saturday afternoon couldn’t dampen the spirits of 13 music enthusiasts, as they met to discuss the formation of a subscription classical concert series for our area.

Leading the meeting was George Zukerman, who, before his lengthy career as a bassoonist on the international stage, spent years establishing and promoting concert series in smaller communities across western Canada.

His experience connecting with elite musicians, expertise forming concert societies, along with his energy and enthusiasm promoting a lifelong love of excellent music, was evident at the gathering.

The Cheam Vista Classical Concert Society is now formed and with everyone in attendance taking on roles, subscriptions will be ready for purchase within the next week.

The rate will be $100 per adult, $250 per family, and $80 for students subscribing on their own, for three concerts (or potentially four – with enough members). We are looking forward to hosting our first concert in Feb. 2017. Watch for more details in The Observer, as well as in posters at local businesses.

Agassiz Observer