Check in on rural health strategies

Have your say to improve B.C. health-care services

A rural health initiative that includes Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett at its table was highlighted at a workshop on rural health at the recent Union of B.C. Municipalities conference.

“[Discussion] was about the co-operation and collaboration with the paramedics and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of B.C.,” Barnett says, adding it also includes ministry representatives and doctors from Williams Lake and the University of British Columbia.

“They are all at the table in their professional manner and working together to try to streamline health care [and to] see how we can collaborate and work together to make health care better for rural B.C.”

In her role on the Rural Health Committee, Barnett explains she meets with family physicians from 100 Mile House, Williams Lake and Tatla Lake.

She also sits on the Select Standing Committee on Health – mandated to identify potential strategies for maintaining a sustainable health-care system.

The latter has extended its deadline for public input through online submissions that address one or more of four overall questions, as follows:

• How can we improve health and health care services in rural British Columbia? In particular, what long-term solutions can address the challenges of recruitment and retention of health care professionals in rural British Columbia?

• How can we create a cost-effective system of primary and community care built around inter-disciplinary teams?

• What best practices can be implemented to improve end-of-life care?

• How can we enhance the effectiveness of addiction recovery programs?

Written submissions will be accepted online at until Dec. 31.

Submissions may focus on solutions for either rural or urban communities, but should include an explanation of the anticipated benefits and a justification of the costs involved.

Further information is available on the website, or by contacting committee clerk Susan Sourial at 250-356-0823 or e-mail to


100 Mile House Free Press