Check out forest fire threat online

There’s no outdoor burning allowed in urban areas of Maple Ridge

  • Aug. 12, 2011 9:00 a.m.
Check out forest fire threat online

Maple Ridge has launched a Forest Fire Danger website so people can get instant updates.

“As the summer progresses and warmer, dry weather conditions head our way, the risk of forest fires will increase,” said Timo Juurakko, assistant fire chief in a news release.

“With much of our community located in the area known as the ‘urban interface’ where the forests meet the city, we all need to be very careful with all forms of fire from barbecues and tiki torches to smoking materials. One bad decision can have a huge impact on our community,” he added.

There’s no outdoor burning in the urban areas in Maple Ridge.  Please check with the fire department before starting a camp fire or purchasing outdoor burning appliances to find out if you live in an area where they are permitted. As the forest fire danger rating climbs to extreme, further restrictions will be placed on outdoor burning.

Burning is allowed in the City of Pitt Meadows from Oct. 1 to Nov. 30  and Mar 1. to Apr 30., with a permit.

• For a link to the Fire Danger page, click here.

Maple Ridge News