Check your chimneys, fire chief advises

And change smoke alarm, carbon monoxide detector batteries

  • Nov. 4, 2020 12:00 a.m.
Check your smoke detectors. (Houston Fire Department Facebook illustration/Houston Today)

Check your smoke detectors. (Houston Fire Department Facebook illustration/Houston Today)

The arrival of colder weather and the approach of winter has the chief of the Houston Volunteer Fire Department advising people to check fire place and wood stove chimneys.

And they should be cleaned regularly, says Jim Daigneault.

Residents with wood stoves should also monitor them regularly to make sure they are operating safely, he added.

Last weekend’s time change was also the time to change batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

“Another great tip is to never leave items cooking on the stove unattended. It only takes a few moments for a fire to start,” Daigneault added of practical fire prevention measures.

Houston Today