Chemainus Rotary garage sale raises money for Guatemala

Rotarians are raising money for families in Guatemala during a garage sale Saturday, Oct. 19 in Chemainus.

Finally, a chance to visit a garage sale and not feel a twinge of buyer’s remorse once you get home.

The Rotary Club of Chemainus is sending nine of its members to Guatemala in February to help fix roofs, build bed frames, dig latrines and whatever else is needed to help the citizens of the impoverished Central American country.

The Rotarians will pay they own travel expenses — including lodging and meals — so club members are raising money to take along to buy everyday necessities and toys for families in Guatemala.

One way they’re hoping to raise cash is through a garage sale taking place Oct. 19, from 9 a.m. to noon, on Chemainus Road at Mill Street, right across the road from the Royal Canadian Legion.

Ladysmith Chronicle