Cherryville men facing trials

Cherryville's Stephen Roy Foerster, and his son, Matthew Foerster, will both stand trial relating to the Taylor Van Diest murder case.

A Cherryville father and son will both stand trial relating to an Armstrong murder case.

Stephen Roy Foerster, 59, has been ordered to stand trial following a three-day preliminary inquiry in Vernon Provincial Court. He is charged with accessory after the fact to murder and obstructing justice in connection with the death of Taylor Van Diest.

The Armstrong teen was assaulted on Halloween night 2011 near the Rosedale Avenue railway tracks. She died Nov. 1 in Kelowna General Hospital.

Foerster is slated to return to court Nov. 12 to fix a date for his trial.

Foerster’s son, Matthew, 27, has been accused of  Van Diest’s murder. His trial, after a number of delays, is slated to begin in Kelowna in March 2014.

A candlelight vigil and walk was held in Van Diest’s memory Thursday night.


Vernon Morning Star