Child pornography charges against Williams Lake man

Murray Dunbar, 66, of Williams Lake is charged with possession of child pornography and importing or distributing child pornography.

Murray Dunbar, 66, of Williams Lake is charged with possession of child pornography and importing or distributing child pornography.

Dunbar appeared in provincial court Wednesday, Nov. 19, in Williams Lake but did not elect a mode of trial or enter a plea.

His next appearance is scheduled for Dec. 3.

Dunbar was one of 11 men charged in B.C. in June 2014 following a lengthy child pornography investigation called Operation Snapshot III.

The operation, which began in February 2014, involved 40 police agencies across the country.

It was co-ordinated by the RCMP’s National Child Exploitation Co-ordination Centre (NCECC) and  targeted offenders who collect, possess, share, make available, distribute and produce child sexual exploitation material online.

There were more than 150 arrests made across Canada as a result of the operation.


Williams Lake Tribune