Child sex predator pleads guilty

Ibata Noric Hexamer admits to three different sexual assaults in Surrey, North Delta and Vancouver.

Ibata Noric Hexamer, pictured here in an undated photo advertising his DJ services, pleaded guilty to three sexual assaults on children over the past 15 years.

Ibata Noric Hexamer, pictured here in an undated photo advertising his DJ services, pleaded guilty to three sexual assaults on children over the past 15 years.

A Vancouver man has pleaded guilty to several sexual assaults involving children in Surrey, North Delta and Vancouver.

Ibata Noric Hexamer, 44, pleaded guilty last week to sexual assault and unlawful confinement in three incidents, including two that took place in Surrey and North Delta.

Police arrested Hexamer in December 2010 after they found his DNA at the three crime scenes. He was charged with 23 counts relating to sexual assaults dating back 15 years. On Friday, he pleaded guilty to six counts – two sex assaults, two sex assaults with a weapon and two unlawful confinement. Crown will not be pursuing the other 17 counts.

On Aug. 30, 2007, Hexamer approached two 14-year-old girls in North Delta and asked for directions. Producing a knife, he forced them into a wooded area and sexually assaulted them, threatening to kill them if they ran.

On July 3, 2009, a six-year-old girl was out with her 12-year-old brother and friend walking near 62 Avenue and 139 Street in Surrey, when Hexamer approached asking for directions. He grabbed the girl and walked her into the wooded area at knifepoint, telling the boys to follow or he would stab her. Ordering the boys onto the ground, Hexamer sexually assaulted the little girl.

The Vancouver case dates back to April 1, 1995, when Hexamer approached a girl outside Lord Nelson school, asking her if she could help him find his child. He pulled her to an outdoor stairwell where he sexually assaulted her.

His sentencing is set for Oct. 9.


Surrey Now Leader