Chilliwack Chances seeking licence change for daytime entertainment

Entertainment will run Thursday to Sunday at Chances, and on some weeknights and holidays, if changes approved.

Chilliwack Chances is applying for changes to its food primary liquor licence to “allow audience participation” in the main dining room of the community gaming centre.

The request for a permanent change to the licence by applicant Chilliwack Gaming Ltd. was received for information by council Tuesday.

A public hearing is set for Jan. 22.

“It’s for any special events that require audience participation; anything that people may do other than sitting in their seats,” said Howard Blank, vice-president of Great Canadian Gaming.

The letter of intent contained in the staff report of the council agenda, cites the wish of the licensee to offer some “daytime entertainment” on a removable stage in the main dining room of the Chances, known as The Well. It could be artists, pianists, or hypnotists, as examples.

“Right now people can’t dance,” said Blank, about the conditions of the current liquor licence.

“But part of our promise to the community is ‘something for everyone,’ but right now we can’t fulfill that on the entertainment side of things.”

Asked if it was typical of other Chances to apply for a “patron participation entertainment endorsement,” soon after opening, Blank replied: “That was the way it worked with this project.

“This is something we now need to get permission to correct. We’re not hitting all cylinders yet.”

The letter of intent cites a variety of entertainment that may be offered: “including live bands with dancing (dine and dance), amateur nights/talent shows, karaoke/sing-a-longs, comedians,-magicians, illusionists,”: — all of which will be suitable for all audiences.

“There will be no ‘adult only’ entertainment,” it underlines.

The entertainment will be Thursday to Sunday, and occasionally on weeknights and holidays.

“The entertainers will usually perform on a Stage within the main dining area of the restaurant and, occasionally, outside on the patio.”

The issue of health and safety was listed as a mutual concern, and the entertainment will not impact their ability to control and manage the Chilliwack Chances.

“There is a high level of security at all times at this establishment to ensure patron/public safety, in addition, no acts or performances will occur which could create any health or safety risks. The licensee will ensure that no minors consume alcohol at any time, including during performances,” reads the letter.

And finally: “The licensee will ensure that the provision of patron participation entertainment will not change the primary focus of the establishment, being the service of food. The kitchen will be open and food service available at all times during the entertainment.”

Chilliwack Progress