Mayor Ken Popove, chairing the March 17, 2020 council meeting. (City of Chilliwack video)

Mayor Ken Popove, chairing the March 17, 2020 council meeting. (City of Chilliwack video)

Chilliwack mayor grilled about recent trip to the U.S.

At the time of his return, he said he was not feeling any symptoms and self-isolation voluntary

When Mayor Ken Popove flew back to Canada after a short vacation to the U.S. recently, he did not put himself into self-isolation.

The Progress reached out with questions on the topic in light of concerns about the spread of COVID-19.

“At the time of my return, it was still voluntary,” Popove explained. “I had no symptoms, and the area I had been staying in had no confirmed cases.”

Provincial health officials issued a recommendation on March 12 that British Columbians not travel outside Canada, and for anyone doing so to self-isolate for 14 days upon their return.

READ MORE: Situation is too risky for international travel

The mayor returned March 11 from Mesa, Arizona after a five-day trip.

Surrey councillors are facing similar questions right now about their out-of-country trips to Mexico and India. City of Surrey instituted a ban on work-related international travel for staff.

Hindsight is 20/20, Popove said, and if he had to do it over again, he would isolate himself upon his return as a preventative measure. But so much of what is being required since the advent of the pandemic is all new, and changing hourly, so it’s hard to know what to do.

Symptoms of of the respiratory disease can take 14 days to appear.

Here is more information: Coronavirus disease symptoms and treatment

READ MORE: Surrey councillors took heat for travel during pandemic

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