Chilliwack MLA John Martin is shifting from labour to education critic, seen here talking about the NDP government’s changes to the Employment Standards Act, on May 27, 2019. (Hansard TV)

Chilliwack MLA John Martin is shifting from labour to education critic, seen here talking about the NDP government’s changes to the Employment Standards Act, on May 27, 2019. (Hansard TV)

Chilliwack MLAs get new critic roles in the Official Opposition shadow cabinet

BC Liberal leader cites plan of 'holding John Horgan and his government to account' during COVID-19

Both of Chilliwack’s BC Liberal MLAs have new roles in the latest Official Opposition shadow cabinet.

Chilliwack MLA John Martin takes on the portfolio for Advanced Education, Skills and Training, while Chilliwack-Kent MLA Laurie Throness will share the Transportation and Infrastructure critic role with MLA Mike Bernier.

BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson made the changes to Opposition critic roles on Thursday, citing the need to focus on “holding John Horgan and his government to account” as the NDP government struggles to respond to the challenges of COVID-19.

“Our province has been facing the realities and challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic for six months now, and the NDP has yet to put forward any sort of plan to restart our struggling economy or help British Columbians who are suffering right now,” said Wilkinson.

“Our team will continue to keep pressure on the government to act on the best ideas and solutions to help make an immediate difference in people’s lives as they continue to deal with the pandemic.”

The leader says the party will undertake “a renewed focus on jobs, the economy, child care, housing, education, and mental health and addictions,” as BC Liberals concentrate on the issues “that matter most to British Columbians right now.”

“Our renewed direction has been shaped by conversations with thousands of British Columbians in every corner of the province as we developed ideas and solutions to help people, non-profits, and small businesses that are all struggling right now,” added Wilkinson.

Here is the list of Official Opposition Critics:

Leader of the Official Opposition – Andrew Wilkinson

Advanced Education, Skills, & Training – John Martin*

Agriculture & Food Security – Ian Paton

Agri-Tourism – Dan Ashton*

Arts & Culture – John Yap*

Attorney General – Mike de Jong*

BC Hydro – Jordan Sturdy*

Children & Family Development – Joan Isaacs*

Citizens’ Services – Marvin Hunt*

Education – Dan Davies

Economic Development, Competitiveness, Trade, & Technology – Jas Johal*

Economic Development, Competitiveness, Trade, & Technology: Trade Ben Stewart

Economic Development, Competitiveness, Trade, & Technology: Regional Economic Development & Small Business – Jackie Tegart*

Emergency Preparedness – Coralee Oakes*

Energy, Mines, & Petroleum Resources – Tom Shypitka

Environment & Parks – Greg Kyllo*

Finance – Shirley Bond

Forests, Lands, & Natural Resource Operations – John Rustad

Health, Long-Term Care, & Seniors – Norm Letnick

ICBC – Stephanie Cadieux*

Indigenous Relations – Michael Lee & Doug Clovechok*

Labour – Peter Milobar*

LNG, Resource Opportunities, & Responsible Development – Ellis Ross

Mental Health, Addictions, & Community Wellness – Jane Thornthwaite

Multiculturalism – Teresa Wat

Municipal Affairs & Housing – Todd Stone

Public Safety & Solicitor General – Mike Morris

Social Development & Poverty Reduction – Sam Sullivan*

Tourism, Hospitality, & Sport – Michelle Stilwell

Transportation & Infrastructure Mike Bernier & Laurie Throness*

House Roles:

House Leader – Mary Polak

Whip – Eric Foster

Deputy Whip – Greg Kyllo

Caucus Chair – Jackie Tegart

Assistant Deputy Speaker – Simon Gibson

Not Seeking Re-election: Donna Barnett; Rich Coleman; Linda Larson; Linda Reid; Ralph Sultan and Steve Thomson

* Indicates new critic role

READ MORE: MLA asked for Throness to be removed from critic role

READ MORE: Jobs could be at risk with wage hike: Martin

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