The Colour Party stands together beside the cenotaph in downtown Chilliwack on Remembrance Day.

The Colour Party stands together beside the cenotaph in downtown Chilliwack on Remembrance Day.

Chilliwack remembers

Hundreds of people attended Remembrance Day ceremonies in downtown Chilliwack and in Sardis on Sunday morning.

  • Nov. 11, 2012 12:00 p.m.

Hundreds of people made their way to Veterans’ Memorial Park in downtown Chilliwack and Sappers’ Memorial Park in Sardis on Sunday to pay their respects to veterans and soldiers who have fought and lost their lives.

For more photos from this year’s Remembrance Day ceremonies, read Thursday’s Chilliwack Progress and check back online this week for a photographic slide show.

Due to early deadlines this past week, Remembrance Day photos will not appear in Tuesday’s paper.

Chilliwack Progress