Chilliwack sees second shooting in one week

Chilliwack sees second shooting in one week

Reports of man barricaded inside home, as second shooting of the week transpires in Chilliwack

  • Mar. 1, 2019 12:00 a.m.

A second shooting has taken place in Chilliwack this week.

People were sharing dramatic video and stories of a shooting near the back of Sardis secondary, on South Sumas on Thursday evening. The event began to unfold about 9 p.m., with shots reported. Police arrived on scene shortly after.

Some residents in the area are reporting hearing cars squealing, and what seemed to be a barricaded house in the area.

One video shared on Facebook shows multiple police cars in the dark, with what sounds like a man screaming in pain nearby.

By 10:45 p.m., RCMP were telling people in the area they were no longer searching for a suspect.

Earlier this week, a woman in her 40s was shot at a home on Victor Street, and is reported to be in critical condition. It’s unclear if the two shootings are related at this point.

Follow this website for updates as they become available.

NOTE: The first version of this story had an incorrect time of the incident and has since been corrected.

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