Clegg sisters of Chilliwack near Fairy Creek blockade. (Steve Clegg)

Chilliwack sisters raise more than $11K for Fairy Creek blockade

'I'll do as much as I can to help the people protesting and standing up for the trees'

Two Chilliwack sisters were so inspired and galvanized by protestors trying to protect old-growth trees at Fairy Creek that they resolved to help them.

Clegg sisters Arli, 10, and Reece, 8, managed to raise $11,325 in the past two weeks since returning from the blockade site outside of Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island.

A GoFundMe titled ‘The Clegg Ladies for Fairy Creek’ was organized by their dad, Steve Clegg, and raised $7,600 of the $11,325 total in donations. The goal is bringing supplies to those on the front lines, since RCMP has been enforcing a no-go zone with daily arrests.

The young sisters were captivated by tales about Big Lonely Doug, the second-largest Douglas Fir in B.C., and after their visit to the blockades, became passionate about doing something concrete to support the land defenders.

They didn’t get to see “Doug”while they were there but they did get to visit the “consolation prize” of Avatar Grove, “a postage stamp of old cedars in the midst of an otherwise blank and bleached envelope.”

They were blown away by what they saw.

“I’m just a tiny crumb of a cookie to this world, but if I have to help, I’ll do as much as I can to help the people who are protesting and standing up for the trees,” Arli Clegg said.

They came away from the experience wholly changed. In the weeks that followed the trip “the ladies” had many questions, said their dad.

“We have looked at online maps showing the scant extent and fragmented remaining old growth forests.”

Reece said when she looked at the map of how much old growth was left, it made her uncomfortable because she thought “people cared more” and wouldn’t let this happen.

RCMP made more than 600 arrests over the past year at the site.

See the GoFundMe here

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Chilliwack Progress


Clegg sisters of Chilliwack near Fairy Creek blockade. (Steve Clegg)