China Nose Mountain fire.

China Nose Mountain fire.

China Nose Mountain fire update

Crews contain fire 20 per cent, but remain on high alert as fuels remain dry

  • Aug. 16, 2014 6:00 p.m.

The high winds and high fire activity that were expected by the Wildfire Management Branch concerning the China Nose Mountain fire last night never materialized.

A cold front passed through the Burns Lake and area surrounding the fire last night, but didn’t bring with it the high winds that were expected, allowing firefighting personnel to attack the fire.

As of now the Wildfire Management Branch estimates that the fire covers 3700 hectares in area.

There are roughly 72 firefighters battling the blaze, but firefighting crews continue to arrive in droves as the province has declared the China Nose fire one of the priority fires in the province.

Along with the firefighters, the Wildfire Management Branch has 15 helicopters and 14 pieces of heavy equipment helping to contain the fire, which is located roughly 15 km Southeast of Houston and 40 km West of Burns Lake.

Due to the low winds, crews were able to get the fire 20 per cent contained, whereas up to this morning the fire hadn’t been contained at all.

While the success of last night is promising, the Wildfire Management Branch is still reminding communities that this fire is still very active and dangerous.

“We are in no way lowering our guard, and we ask that the public do the same,” Mike McCulley, Information Officer for the Wildfire Management Branch said,” There is still lots of summer left and still lots of high winds that could pass through.”

Hot and dry drought-like conditions have left forest fire fuels incredibly dry.

As of this morning the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN) has reopened the portion of Hwy. 16, from four kilometres east of Topley to 18 km west of Burns Lake near the Decker Lake sawmill, that was closed yesterday.

However, the RDBN notes that the highway could close again at any moment due to fire activity.

The evacuation order issued Aug. 15 by the RDBN has been rescinded for the areas from Knockholt Landfill on Aitken Road, South to Equity Mine Road East, to Decker Maxan Road, North to North Road across Hwy. 16 20218 North Road, west to and including Montgomery Road.

A new evacuation order has been issued for the areas South from 9840 Heading Creek Forest Service Road, North to Gilmore Lake Forest Service Road and Sunset Forest Service Road intersection, West to the Snow Mobile Cabin on Equity Mine Road, East to and including Crow Creek Road beyond the tracks, East to 22387 and 22507, North including the entirety of the Rose Lake Cutoff Road, including Day Lake Road, southern portions of the Forest Dale Canyon Road, northern portion of the Maxan Creek Forest Service Road to the southwest portion of the Decker-Maxan Road, including Bulkley Lake, Day Lake, Elwin Lake and Maxan Lake.

The evacuation alert issued by the RDBN Aug. 15 has been rescinded from the municipal boundary of the District of Houston from 4728 Bellicini Rd. and 4411 McKilligan Rd. east along the Hwy. 16 corridor to the Hwy. 16 intersection with Montgomery Road, including all roads connected to Hwy. 16 and east of the North Road Forest Service Road and the Decker-Maxan Road along the Hwy. 16 corridor, including all roads connected to Hwy. 16 to the municipal boundary of the Village of Burns Lake at Nash Road 1740, including Murphy Road and Miller Road.

A new evacuation alert has been issued for the areas from the municipal boundary of the District of Houston from 4728 Bellicini Rd. and 4411 McKilligan Rd. east along Hwy. 16 corridor to the western boundary of the Village of Burns Lake at 1740 Nash Rd., including Murphy Road and Miller Road. This includes the communities of Topley, Rose Lake, Palling and Decker Lake. All roads connected to Hwy. 16 and including portions of Thomson Road, Decker-Maxan Road and Fisher Road.


Burns Lake Lakes District News