Lisa VanderVelde/Morning Star

Lisa VanderVelde/Morning Star

Christian elected Shuswap tribal chief

Splatsin chief acclaimed as head of Shuswap Nation Tribal Council

  • Apr. 30, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Wayne Christian is keeping his position as chief of the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council.

The Splatsin chief was the only nominee for the position of Tribal Chief, therefore was elected by acclamation last week.

Kukpi7 Christian will continue with another three-year term, ending May 2021. He was also recently re-elected Chief of Splatsin for a four-year term.

See Christian returned as Splatsin chief

Of Secwepemc ancestry, Christian is the father of seven children and numerous grandchildren. He has been involved in politics most of his adult lifetime; serving on council and chief of Splatsin for 22 years in total.

“Unity of the Nation includes not just the elected leaders, but all Secwepemc people. It is important to recognize that each person has a role to play in shaping our future and these people include not just the elected leaders, but the spiritual peoples and community members. Everyone has a gift to help in re-building the Nation.”

Splatsin is one of nine member bands that are affiliated with the SNTC. The Splatsin community is located in and around the Enderby area and is actively involved in social justice issues, economic development and keenly focused on promoting the use and learning of the Secwepemc language, customs and traditions. Christian believes in the strength of unity within the Secwepemc nation and that this unity is the cornerstone of asserting the Secwepemc laws and governance structures.

When he wasn’t in politics Christian rose to leadership and worked extensively in the healing profession with the Round Lake Treatment Centre and the Community Health Associates of B.C.

See Round Lake opens recovery home

He strongly believes in finding justice and resolution to outstanding land claim issues. He supports health and wellness within the communities demonstrating leadership with the First Nations Health Council where he serves as the Interior representative of the 54 Chiefs.

Christian is conscientious of the value in the existing human resources to develop strategies and solutions to advance positive change that will benefit the Nation while protecting the environment and ensuring that the traditional land uses for the Secwepemc peoples remain intact for future generations.

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