Letters to Santa and Lighting Up The Town are the two events planned by the Prince Rupert Special Events Committee for 2020 in lieu of Winterfest activities. Santa will read letters on a television broadcast. (The Northern View file photo)

Christmas activities to brighten up the city

Prince Rupert Special Events Society has re-imagined holiday-season events in lieu of Winterfest

  • Nov. 26, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Winterfest in the Prince Rupert region has a new look this year. Letters to Santa and Lighting Up The Town are the two seasonal activities planned by the Prince Rupert Special Events Society to keep the Christmas spirit glittering in the area.

Usually held the first weekend of December, the two-day festival which includes the lighting of the city Christmas lights, traditional Santa Clause parade, breakfast with Santa, and Sail-past will not be occurring as the traditional Christmas festivities have have been grinched by COVID-19.

This year to keep the sparkle of the season alive the festivities have been re-imagined and are moving online to be kept at a safe social distancing.

Santa is requesting written letters, videos, pictures, and drawings be sent to him from children so they can tell the jolly old guy how good they have been in the past several months of learning new pandemic protocols, as well as send him their wish-list for toy selection.

“This is a great time for parents to embrace this and build up the magic of Christmas for kids. We are doing the best we can to give them that platform,” Alex Hogendoorn PRSES committee member said.

Santa will read the letters and show the submissions on a television broadcast closer to Christmas with date and time yet to be decided.

Seasonal creations and letters must be in to the PRSES by Dec. 3 to be included in the show which will be aired on CityWest. Submissions should be emailed in to: prspecialevents.gmail.com

“We are hoping people will embrace the festivity of the season in decorating their own homes and businesses for all to see,” Hogendoorn said.

Lighting Up The Town is an opportunity for adults, families and businesses in Port Edward and Prince Rupert to feel the joy of the season by brightening up and decorating their homes or window fronts to illuminate the winter nights during this year’s COVID Christmas.

The decorating contest runs from Dec. 1 to 17, with voting open on Dec. 4 to 18 until 9 p.m.

“As people interact with the online posted pictures by giving their likes, giving their hearts or emojis on Facebook that will count as a vote and we will have prize posters put outside the winning homes,” Hogendoorn said.

As well as the winner recognition signs, Ocean Pacific Air has donated a flight package tour around the harbour which will be awarded via a draw of all of the entrants.

“The earlier you get you get your lights up the longer you will be on the Facebook page to gather more votes,” Hogendoorn said.

Residential submissions and business submissions will be voted on by the public in separate categories.

To submit an entry for Lighting Up The Town, take a photo or video of a maximum 30 seconds, email it to lightupthetownpr@gmail.com. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number.

“COVID has a demoralizing effect. It has been tough to let things go and it is tough to find that energy,” Hogendoorn said. “But on the other hand we love our city and we love our community. We know that everyone else is struggling. After a defeatist moment when we have to say good-bey to the parade – the thing we love – you have a new moment and say but what can we do?”

Hogendoorn said he is lifted by the committee and glad to be part of the collaborative efforts to produce creative ideas to come up with and activities for residents to participate in.


K-J Millar | Journalist 

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