Christmas miracle cat travels 560 km alone, arrives at Surrey animal shelter

Stray pets are common guests at the Surrey Animal Resource Centre but Pharfalla is not your everyday stray cat.

  • Dec. 21, 2016 11:00 a.m.
Christmas miracle cat travels 560 km alone, arrives at Surrey animal shelter

Stray pets are common guests at the Surrey Animal Resource Centre (SARC) but Pharfalla, an eight-year-old Torti female cat, is not your everyday stray cat.

The Guildford couple who found Pharfalla helping herself to food at their home were happy to keep the stray but wanted to ensure they weren’t keeping someone else’s cat. They called Animal Control, who picked her up on Dec. 14th

The good news is that Pharfalla had been tagged with an identification microchip. However, when SARC staff ran the chip there was no local information on it.

After a little more sleuthing, staff determined the microchip was of Swiss origin.

Turns out, Pharfalla had been flown from Switzerland to Seattle to Calgary before being trucked to McLeese Lake with its owners in central B.C.

In June 2014, Pharfalla went missing without a trace.

Somehow Pharfalla found a way to make the 560-kilometre journey from McLeese Lake to Surrey.

Despite the lengthy trek and her extended time on her own, she is in excellent condition.

Pharfalla’s rightful owners have been contacted in McLeese Lake and will be making the nine-hour drive to Surrey to this Friday collect their globetrotting feline.

Every year, the Surrey Animal Resource Centre provides care to over 2,000 animals. The Centre provides animal care, information about owner responsibilities, dog off-leash areas, the City of Surrey’s animal regulations, and serves as a call centre for lost pets and animal complaints.



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