Christmas present plot hatched just as planned

Langley boy with cystic fibrosis gets the gift he wanted, thanks to the kindness of a large group of strangers

Hudson got his gift and no one spoiled the surprise.

Hudson got his gift and no one spoiled the surprise.

A conspiracy that involved family, friends and a few strangers came to fruition Christmas Day in Langley when nine-year-old Hudson Verigin opened his gift and let out a whoop of joy.

His present was a “Hatchimal,” the wildly popular toy with cute animals that peck their way out of egg-shaped capsules.

“He was so excited, he basically jumped and screamed,” his mom, Voula, told the Times.

“When people ask him what he got for Christmas, he says a Hatchimal, and that none were available in the store but he got one because Santa came through for him.”

In fact, as described in the Dec. 7 Times story “How a big-hearted Langley boy got his Christmas wish,” several people worked together to find one of the hard-to-obtain toys for Hudson, who has cystic fibrosis.

After hearing his wish, family friends Brad McLean and Carla Fraser of Langley put the word out online, which led Liana Stahlbaum, a Facebook fan of the couple’s annual Christmas light display, to get in touch with the Rasode family of Abbotsford, who were giving away Hatchimals as part of an online promotion for their new business, the Sumas liquor store.

A few days before Christmas, Calvin Rasode delivered the present, all wrapped up with a bow.

Liana told Hudson the gift had come from Santa, and it was early because it had been left behind during a pre-holiday test flight.

Hudson agreed to wait until Christmas to see what it was.

All involved had one request for Times readers: don’t tell Hudson if you see the story in the paper.

“No one spoiled the secret at all,” Voula said.

“We’re shocked, actually that nothing was said to him.”

Langley Times