Chuck wight (left) has been promoted from assistant coach to head coach and general manager of the team. (File photo)

Chuck wight (left) has been promoted from assistant coach to head coach and general manager of the team. (File photo)

Chuck Wright to take over Golden Rockets bench

The Rockets "terminated" Jeremy Blumes as head coach of the Golden Rockets Jr. B. on Jan. 27

  • Jan. 28, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Golden Rockets have taped assistant coach Chuck Wright to stand behind the bench and become the team’s next general manager after the team fired its head coach on Monday.

According to an emailed statement from Dan Ringheim, president of the Golden Junior Hockey Society, Wight’s new position takes effect immediately.

On Monday (Jan. 27), the Rockets “terminated” Jeremy Blumes as head coach of the Golden Rockets Jr. B.

The team didn’t say why they fired him, but wished him well.

“We thank Jeremy for his time with our club and wish him well in the future,” said Ringheim in the statement.

According to Blumes, he was fired from his position “without cause” because the team is “moving in a different direction.”

He will be paid until the end of his contract on March 31, 2020.

“I would like to thank the Rockets for the opportunity,” said Blumes. “I believe my body of work in the short time as coach and GM speaks for itself.”

Blumes has been the coach and GM of the team since 2018, where he led the team to the playoffs for the first time in four years.

He said this season presented a number of challenges for the team, which dealt with significant injuries and the closure of its arena for eight weeks. In December, the team only won one of its eight games, before collecting 12 out of a possible 18 points in the month leading up to Blumes’ dismissal.

The team lost its last two games prior to Monday’s decision.

“While the on ice product has been promising, another source of pride for myself was our players involvement within the community of Golden,” said Blumes. “I’m going to miss it terribly.”

Blumes was also responsible for managing the social media channels for the Rockets and running camps that helped grow the Rockets at all levels.

“I loved coming to work everyday looking to improve this club and will miss the challenge terribly,” said Blumes. “That being said, it’s gratifying knowing that the club is in a better spot today than when I arrived. Through this experience I have become a better coach and am eager for my next opportunity.”

The Rockets next games will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 28 in Revelstoke, before coming home for a game on Friday, Jan. 31 against the Columbia Valley Rockies.

Golden Star