Church loses tax status

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church closed and the congregation dissolved in July.

An Armstrong church property will be on the city’s tax book.

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church has been subject to a permissive tax exemption under a city bylaw, but the church closed and congregation dissolved in July.

“Until the property is sold, the denomination office of the Presbyterian Church in Canada will assume responsibility for payment of all property taxes and utilities,” said Armstrong chief financial officer Terry Martens in a report to council.

Mayor and council gave three readings to amend the city’s permissive tax exemption bylaw to remove St. Andrew’s’ tax exemption status beginning in 2016.

Council also approved proceeding with a tax exemption for the Kindale Developmental Association for its new property on Patterson Avenue. Three readings were given to the exemption which has only been approved for 2016.

Bylaw upgrade

Armstrong is trying to simplify its zoning bylaw.

First reading has been given to the reworked bylaw.

“We’re trying to bring the bylaw in line with our official community plan goals,” said Coun. Paul Britton. “Staff has done a great job with the process.”


Vernon Morning Star