CiB winning garden bloomin’ beautiful

Kaluzas earn Best Overall Garden in local Communities in Bloom competition

Michele Kaluza's Horse Lake Road property was the 100 Mile House Communities in Bloom Best Overall residential garden winner for 2012.

Michele Kaluza's Horse Lake Road property was the 100 Mile House Communities in Bloom Best Overall residential garden winner for 2012.

The spectacular garden of Michele and Stan Kaluza is a labour of love that recently earned the Best Overall Garden award in the 100 Mile House Communities in Bloom (CiB) residential garden competition.

Their winning landscape is the product of five years of hard work and it’s hard to believe that little else existed in the beginning besides lawn and a lilac bush.

“We pretty much started with a clean slate,” says Michele who is the duo’s designer, while Stan takes care of the majority of the labour.

Their property is located on Horse Lake Road in 100 Mile House, and Michele says it didn’t come with a nice view, so they had to create their own.

Her passion is flowers and carefully planned clusters, along with planters and hanging baskets dominate the yard. Along the back, a bountiful vegetable patch and berry bushes keeps them and their family and friends in fresh produce throughout the growing season.

“We enjoy eating stuff just fresh out of the garden and often it doesn’t even make it to the kitchen.”

With a good portion of the yard filled with greenery and blooms, watering could be a chore, but the couple has installed an intensive automatic watering system, which supplies adequate moisture for the plants daily.

The property has a real problem with dew worms which led them to replace grass in the backyard with maintenance-free patio stones and fine gravel. She says they don’t miss having to mow a lawn.

The whole package impressed the CiB judges whose comments on a certificate presented to the couple, says: “Owner’s vision created clean, artistic design with excellent use of space. Efficient watering system and low-maintenance landscaping make this a dream property.”

Michele says they are honoured to be acknowledged for their work, although winning the contest wasn’t their focus.

“I feel it’s important to get involved and we do it as an example for the community. I think everyone should get involved in any way they can.

I believe strongly in Communities in Bloom and wish more people would too.”

100 Mile House Free Press