Citizen helped nab drunk driver

Owen Moore was recognized at the monthly Abbotsford police board meeting for his actions on Feb. 21 of this year.

  • Apr. 21, 2012 5:00 a.m.
Owen Moore (middle), with wife Jody, receives his award of commendation from Mayor Bruce Banman.

Owen Moore (middle), with wife Jody, receives his award of commendation from Mayor Bruce Banman.

An Abbotsford man who helped snare an impaired driver earlier this year received a police commendation on Tuesday.

Owen Moore was recognized at the monthly police board meeting for his actions on Feb. 21 of this year.

On that day at about 7 p.m., Moore was traveling west on Highway 1 when he observed an erratic driver. He decided to follow the vehicle along the freeway and as it exited at Whatcom Road.

He called 911 on his cellphone, provided the licence plate of the vehicle and continued to follow the car as it swerved all over the road, hitting a median and some gas pumps at a service station.

The car also travelled through several restaurant parking lots, at times in the wrong direction.

Moore also witnessed the driver run a red light and a stop sign, narrowly missing another vehicle. The car then travelled down a dirt road and parked in a field, where the driver was arrested by police.

He was later found to have a blood alcohol reading four times the legal limit and was charged with impaired driving.

In Moore’s written commendation, police stated they have a goal this year of a 25 per cent reduction in injury collisions and thanked him for playing a part in that.

“The targeting of impaired drivers is among the strategies that will be undertaken in support of this goal. Overall success can only be achieved with the co-operation and assistance of the community.”

Abbotsford News