A District of Saanich survey found residents feel content with their quality of life overall, with improvements in infrastructure and safety at the top of respondents’ minds. (Black Press Media file photo)

Citizen survey finds 88 per cent of Saanich residents content with overall quality of life

Infrastructure tops list of areas requiring improvements

  • Jun. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A recent online citizen survey for the District of Saanich found 88 per cent of residents rated their overall quality of life as good or very good.

BC Stats conducted a survey on behalf of Saanich and heard from 870 citizens, more than double the expected response.

The survey was invitation-only and participants were randomly selected by mail to participate online from Feb. 8 to March 29.

When asked about the one issue they feel should receive the most attention from Saanich council, infrastructure improvements were top of respondents’ minds.

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Residents are looking for road and sidewalk improvements, better cycling infrastructure, traffic control, improved walkability, and more.

The survey also found 81 per cent of participants feel safe driving on Saanich roads, however, results found there is room for improvement in the areas of road safety for children, bicycles, and more inclusivity for those with mobility challenges.

Crime, policing, and affordable housing were other areas of concerns that residents feel require attention by council in the months and years to come.

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