The red dots represent the path that will be upgraded. City of Kimberley file.

City applying for grant to upgrade Townsite trail

As part of its Active Transportation Plan, the city of Kimberley will increase and maintain trails.

As part of its Active Transportation Plan, the city of Kimberley will increase and maintain trails.

One well used trail in Townsite will be added to the list of trails the city maintains. The city is applying for a grant from the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative for complete a multi-use path from Giegerich Road to 4th Avenue and Rossland Boulevard intersection. This trail is recognized as a priority in the Transportation Plan.

Currently the trail is a dirt path that is used to get to Lindsay Park School or to connect to other pathways. If the grant is approved the hope is to increase the safety and usability of the pathway for all modes of transport and increase safety for those with disabilities.

The project will also increase usage of McDougal Park, through which the path will be placed, revitalizing the space and supporting community gathering.

The city is seeking $115,900 to fund the project in its entirety.

Count. Nigel Kitto said it was an absolutely beautiful piece of property and he was pleased that more people would have access to it.

Kimberley Bulletin