City celebrates Heritage Week

Williams Lake City Council has proclaimed the week of Feb. 18-24, 2013 as Heritage Week in the city.

  • Feb. 13, 2013 2:00 p.m.

Williams Lake City Council has proclaimed the week of Feb. 18-24, 2013 as Heritage Week in the city. This year’s Heritage Week theme is Good Neighbours: Heritage Homes and Neighbourhoods.

To celebrate Heritage Week and to promote the city’s historic sites and buildings, the Heritage Advisory Committee will offer a walking tour on Feb. 19 at 1 p.m. Join Heritage Committee members for a one-hour walk downtown and around the Stampede Grounds to learn about buildings and sites of historical significance in the downtown area in the neighbourhood.

The City of Williams Lake Heritage Advisory Committee and the Cariboo Regional District’s Heritage Committee have teamed up to bring a number of speakers together for a moderated, conversational event called “Heritage Circles.” The event takes place Feb. 23 from 1-5 p.m., at the Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin located at 113 Fourth Ave. N.

Attendants are encouraged to bring personal stories about growing up in the area to share.

The City of Williams Lake Heritage Advisory Committee will also be launching its Memory Map: A Project to Build A collective Memory of the Past.

So much history is stored in boxes and old photo albums. Many stories are untold about the history of our City and region, and how we got to where we are today.

Do you have photos you’d like to share? Artifacts you think are important to our history? We not only want to hear from you, we want to see what you’ve got!

Take a picture of an old tool or piece of machinery; show us a copy of an old letter.

Log in, write us, or put it on the map! The Williams Lake memory map will be touring the community over the next few months and we want to see what you can find.

For more information about all events, please contact Chris Hutton, Planning Technician at (250) 392.1770, e-mail at; or check us out on Facebook by liking our page: “Williams Lake Heritage Advisory Committee.”


Williams Lake Tribune