City considers funds for internment mural

Internment camp mural support, BX park purchase pondered, Beairsto safety considered

There is broad support for a mural highlighting a dark chapter in Vernon’s history but money must be found first.

City council has instructed the finance committee to determine if a grant should be provided to an internment camp mural, and the source of any funds.

“We also want access to reprint that picture on marketing materials (for the murals),” said Coun. Mary-Jo O’Keefe.

“Unless we have use of that photo, we shouldn’t support it.”

Artist Michelle Loughery wants to portray the First World War internment camp that was set up where W.L. Seaton Secondary is now. It was home to so-called enemy aliens, including Ukrainian families.

The mural project requires about $24,000 to proceed.

Park purchase moves on

The possible purchase of parkland will be left in the hands of Greater Vernon officials.

Vernon council received a request from resident Randy Schellenberg to buy 166 acres next to BX Ranch Park. The matter has been passed on to the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee for consideration.

“The right place for it to go is Greater Vernon,” said Coun. Patrick Nicol of that agency’s responsibility for regional parks.

“There are competing forces for dollars but this is worthy of consideration.”

The 166 acres is currently listed for $3.2 million.

Beairsto safety considered

Pedestrian safety may be improved around Beairsto Elementary School.

As part of 2013 budget discussions, Vernon council will consider $81,000 for a travel plan at the  27th Street school.

“It encourages walking, cycling and green modes (of transportation),” said Amanda Watson, transportation technician.

If approved, the initiative would include signs to indicate a pedestrian-activated signal on 27th Street, extending the no parking restrictions on 35th Avenue, expanding the standing area on the 27th Street sidewalk and trimming vegetation so crosswalk signs are visible.











Vernon Morning Star