City contract provides pay increase

Williams Lake city union workers will receive a modest incremental pay increase in its new 2012-2016 collective agreement.

Williams Lake city union workers will receive a modest incremental pay increase in its new 2012-2016 collective agreement.

On March 4, the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 882-B and the city ratified the new agreement.

The increases will be 1.75 per cent for 2012, 1.75 per cent for 2013, two per cent for 2014 and two per cent for 2015.

At its May 7 council meeting, mayor and council received a report on the agreement from the city’s manager of human resources, Ashley Williston.

“Council met with the negotiating committee at the beginning of the process and gave overall direction of less than two per cent net difference of taxation which was a total or combination of benefit and wages,” Mayor Cook said.

The final agreement did come in under that, Cook added.

“It was a difficult process, but we have a new collective agreement and will be posting this on the city’s website.”

Coun. Surinderpal Rathor said the agreement is “excellent” for the workers and the management side.

In her report, Williston outlined some major changes in the new agreement.

The lead hand differential rate increased from 80 cents to $1 an hour. The  foreman differential rate  increased from $2.65 to $3 per hour. A certified journeyman rate of $32.81 per hour was also added.

Boot Allowance increased from $150 per   year to $200 per year with proof of purchase. The tool allowance increased to $250 a year with proof of purchase.

The city will eliminate the current seasonal labourer positions through attrition as the current incumbents vacate these positions. They will then be filled by students at 75 per cent  of the labourer 1 rate.

Commencing May 1, 2014, a part time or seasonal employee who is temporarily laid off will only be able to bump into other part time or seasonal position, and the city will no longer pay for benefits during layoffs.

An employee who is called in to work shall receive a minimum of two hours of pay at the rate of double his/her straight time hourly rate. If the employee works more than two hours, the employee shall receive a minimum of four hours pay at a rate of double his/her straight time hourly rate.

The shift premium is increased from 75 cents to 85 cents, and the union will now have a generic pay direct prescription card. Sick day allotment will be increased from eight days to nine days with the ability to carry over two days into the following year if all sick allotment was not used in the previous year.

The core services memorandum of understanding will remain as a memorandum of understanding and again will expire with the collective agreement.

Williams Lake Tribune