Lagoon equipment was upgraded in July 2018 in an attempt to deal with the smell. (City of Revelstoke)

City council approves $90K contract for creation of Liquid Waste Management Plan

The plan aims to protect the environment and public as Revelstoke grows

  • Dec. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

A contractor has been chosen to work on the next phases of a Liquid Waste Management Plan for the city.

City Council approved the contract at $93,470 for McElhanney Ltd.

The plan’s primary objectives are to protect public health, environment and to properly consult the public.

The plan is created for approval by the Minister of Environment and will allow the city to make plans and take action to ensure the management, resource recovery and disposal of treated waste protects both public health and the environment now and as the city grows.

Having a completed Liquid Waste Management Plan will provide clear requirements when looking at long-term infrastructure in the city and will add credibility to grant applications in this area, said Steve Black, director of engineering in his report to council at the Nov. 24 meeting.

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Stage 1 of the plan was completed in 2008 and saw current conditions defined, explored requirements and community goals. A list of options was development and short listed.

Stage 2 will see a detailed assessment of the options, additional technical and environmental studies and the selection of a solution. A draft was completed in 2012.

During the final stage a detailed study of the selection solution will be done, including the development of a financial plan.

A budget of $220,000 was included in the 2020-2024 five year plan for this project and the city received a grant that will cover 10 per cent of project costs.

Updates to the Storm Water Master Plan are also currently under way, with a budget of $100,000. This is a component of the Liquid Waste Management Plan.

The city is currently operating under a permit issued in 1973 and updated in 1993 from the B.C. Ministry of Environment allowing discharge of effluent from the municipal sewage facility of less than 4,152 metres cubed per day. In 2018 average daily flows were 2,700 metres cubed per day, which is 200 more than in 2019.

However, the discharge permit would not be issued under current provincial regulations and once the discharges exceed the authorized flows by more than 10 per cent, the city expects the province will require the plant to become compliant with current regulation, Black said.


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