Prince Rupert City Council met for the first regular meeting of 2021 on Jan. 11 (Photo: K-J Millar/The Northern View)

City Council Briefs: Cannabis store and tax incentives

Prince Rupert city council met for the first time in 2021

  • Jan. 12, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The first regular city council meeting of 2021 was held on Jan. 11, with items such as a cannabis store, new bylaw, city board appointments, and a development variance application being discussed.

Cannabis Retail Licence

Public comments are being requested as part of the approval process for a proposed cannabis retail store to be located at 23 Cowbay Road.

As a late addition, not listed on the agenda, the council approved a letter of support for a cannabis retail business and trade license to FCC Enterprises Inc. which was originally applied for on Oct. 20, 2020. The letter of support will be sent to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch, who will review the application for provincial approval.

“The application is for the non-medical cannabis and non-medical cannabis-related products,” Rosamaria Miller, corporate administrator said. “A resolution of council is required, as noted prior to the application being submitted to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch.”

Council had three avenues of option Miller said, which was to instruct staff to provide a letter to the LCRB branch to either a) support the attached application for provincial cannabis retail licence; b) support the application for provincial cannabis licence but with terms and conditions; or c) not support the application for a provincial cannabis retail licence.

Miller said letters from the community had been received at City Hall, with eight letters of support for the operations being received and two against the application.

Miller said public notification of the application had been listed on the city hall and Rupert Talks websites.

“The comment period for this application is now open, with a deadline TBD. The Council of the City of Prince Rupert wishes to determine the views of the residents regarding this application. Comments may be forwarded in writing…” the city said on the Rupert Talks website.

Downtown Core Tax Emption Program Bylaw

Council gave the third reading to the proposed new bylaw, No. 3466-2020, outlining the Downtown Core Tax Exemption Program.

After much discussion between council members about tax incentives for the Midtown residential area and commercial operations existing in it, the third reading passed. Council agreed to amend the goals of the bylaws which were read out by Councillor Blair Mirau and state the purpose as:

“Council wishes to encourage the development of multifamily residences in the Midtown district; and whereas council wishes to encourage the clustering of commercial developments in the downtown and county districts; and whereas council wishes to encourage the development of existing commercial properties in the Midtown, downtown and Cowbay district. The second amendment being to modify the schedule A map of eligible land to denote that eligible exemptions in the Midtown district are limited to multifamily residential and existing commercial development.”

Board Appointments

Council approved applicants for the Prince Airport Authority appointing Gloria Rendall, Knut Bjorndal, and Kelly Sawchuck as board members, with a resolution to be released at a future council meeting.

Also approved by the council for appointments to the Prince Rupert Library Board are Andrea Wilmot, Dale White, and Brendan Turner.

Read the full story of the tax emotion discussion in The Northern View on Jan. 21

K-J Millar | Journalist

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