City council highlights

City council approved several motions ranging from adopting its smoke-free bylaw to purchasing a new asphalt recycler.

  • Feb. 25, 2015 6:00 p.m.

At its regular meeting Tuesday city council approved several motions ranging from adopting its smoke-free bylaw to approving the purchase of a new asphalt recycler.

All motions were approved unanimously, although councillors Jason Ryll and Ivan Bonnell were absent from the meeting.

Regulating metal shipping containers

The city hopes to amend its bylaw regarding metal shipping containers to make sure they are used for storage, kept in good repair and regulated.

Council received a report from senior bylaw officer Brendan Foote who noted the change in regulation will ensure that complaints can be quickly addressed and that enforcement carried out if necessary.

Council approved first and second reading of the bylaw amendment.

Now it will go to a public hearing on March 24.

Smoke-free bylaw endorsed

City council gave final reading to its Smoke-Free Bylaw, endorsing it unanimously.

The bylaw will mean that people will have to smoke 7.5 metres away from city-owned outdoor spaces such as parks, playing fields and bus shelters. It will also be in effect when municipal streets are closed off for street parties or events.

Creation of seven single family lots at 18 Woodland Drive

Council has accepted applications from MacPine Developments Ltd. to amend the city’s official community plan to allow for the designation of property at 18 Woodland Drive, from residential multi-family to residential single family.

The applicant is also asking that the property be rezoned from low density multiple family residential to comprehensive development. A public consultation meeting on the application is scheduled for March 11, 2015 at 7 p.m.

River Valley trunk sewer upgrade grant application

Council has approved submitting a revised application to the New Building Canada Fund — Small Communities Fund program for sewer trunk upgrades in the river valley. Originally the amount requested was $3.2 million. The new amount is for $4.2 million. The city’s portion of the project will be $1,400,000 which will come from sewer reserves.

Asphalt recycler on the city’s shopping list

Council has approved the purchase of a new asphalt recycler up the amount of $65,000. Mayor Walt Cobb pointed out the cost is a savings from the original estimate of up to $100,000.

Sam Ketcham Pool upgrades

Council accepted a notes from the pool upgrade working group that indicated requests for proposals have gone out for project management, architectural design, parking and traffic flow plans.

Nutrition run

Council approved the annual Nutrition Run scheduled for Sunday, April 12, 2015, and received an invitation from the city’s recreation co-ordinator encouraging mayor, council and the community to participate.

Nuxalk Nation’s bid to host the 2016 Junior All-Native Basketball Tournament

Council has agreed to provide of letter of support for the Nuxalk Nation’s host to bid the Junior All-Native Basketball Tournament in Williams Lake during spring break March 2016.


Council proclaimed the month of April 2015 as Daffodil Month in response to a request from the Canadian Cancer Society, and the week of May 17 to 23, 2015 as Public Works Week after a request from the Public Works Association of B.C.















































Williams Lake Tribune