Cariboo-Chilcotin Partners for Literacy financial literacy co-ordinator Kirsten Stark talks to city council Tuesday as she requested city proclaim Financial Literacy Month in Williams Lake.

Cariboo-Chilcotin Partners for Literacy financial literacy co-ordinator Kirsten Stark talks to city council Tuesday as she requested city proclaim Financial Literacy Month in Williams Lake.

City council proclaims Financial Literacy Month in Williams Lake

City council agreed unanimously to proclaim November as "Financial Literacy Month" in Williams Lake at its regular meeting Tuesday.

After hearing a short presentation from Cariboo-Chilcotin Partners For Literacy financial literacy co-ordinator Kirsten Stark during its regular meeting Tuesday, city council agreed unanimously to declare November as  “Financial Literacy Month” in Williams Lake.

“For all of us in the community it’s important how we make our money, and how we spend it,” Stark said.

Individuals and all local governments have a role to play going forward, she told council noting, it is important to increase minimum wage and social assistance because many people are forced to live in or close to poverty.

“Many people with minimum wage part-time jobs are working two or more jobs which means they don’t have enough time to spend with their families.”

A community with strong financial literacy skills is a community with a stronger and more prosperous economy, Stark added.

“Cariboo-Chilcotin Partners for Literacy remains committed to financial literacy education and helping every single person in our region become financially intact.”


Stark also shared a 30-second statement she gave at a Financial Empowerment conference she recently attended.

Mayor Walt Cobb thanked Stark and said he agreed with her comments.


Williams Lake Tribune