City denies sculpture purchase offer

Vernon turns down purchasing $21,000 stone sculpture water fountain

Vernon won’t be adding to its art collection.

The city has turned down an offer from artist Ricky Meunier to purchase a stone sculpture water fountain for $21,000.

“There is no money in the budget for an item like this,” said Coun. Catherine Lord, pointing out that there are significant financial pressures on the city.

Meunier’s sculpture is entitled Spirit of Peace.

“The granite stone is from the local Tretheway quarry,” he said.

“Water shoots up through three holes in the centre as high or low as you like.”

Meunier believes the sculpture could possibly be located in front of city hall or the museum.

“There are many sites,” he said.

If the city had agreed to the purchase, Meunier says half of the price would have gone to a charity of the city’s choosing.

Beyond limited finances, city officials say they can’t just purchase art based on the request of a single artist.

“If we’re going to spend public dollars on public art, we need an open process so anyone has an opportunity to participate,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham of an open competition among artists.


Vernon Morning Star