City drives bike rentals

City to lease a portion of the visitor information centre to the Downtown Vernon Association for bicycle rentals from June 12 to Sept. 18

Pedal power will be an option for tourists wanting to explore Vernon this summer.

City council has agreed to lease a portion of the visitor information centre to the Downtown Vernon Association for bicycle rentals from June 12 to Sept. 18.

“It will be a pilot project and we will see how it goes,” said Coun. Dalvir Nahal, who voted in favour of the initiative.

“It could boost tourism.”

Lone opposition came from Coun. Scott Anderson.

“It gives an unfair advantage to a city enterprise when there is a bike shop downtown,” he said.

“We shouldn’t be in the business of creating a competitive advantage over another.”

All costs associated with the operation, including insurance, marketing and purchasing the bicycles, will be the responsibility of the DVA.


Instead of the DVA paying rent for the space, the city will receive 15 per cent of the gross revenue generated from renting bikes.



Vernon Morning Star