City gives streets a makeover

Armstrong will spruce up five of its main transportation corridors.

Armstrong will spruce up five of its main transportation corridors.

A landscape design contract has been awarded to Outland Design Landscape Architecture from Kelowna, the winning firm out of 15 who expressed interest in the contract.

“This was in the budget for 2016 and the complete design project will cost no more than $33,000,” said Coun. Shirley Fowler, chairperson of the city’s finance committee.

The project will include creating a landscape design plan with consistent elements among the five corridors: Smith Drive from Pleasant Valley Road to Rosedale Avenue; Pleasant Valley Road from Highway 97A to Mill Street; Pleasant Valley Boulevard from Mill Street to Okanagan Street; Pleasant Valley Road from Okanagan Street to Bridge Street; and PV Road from Bridge towards the IPE Fairgrounds.

It will also incorporate a five-year phased approaching of implementing the landscape plan, provide estimated costs, a conceptual site plan for presentation and display of the corridors and construction drawings.

“We’re really excited to see this go through,” said Fowler.

Outland Design has indicated to council; that the design project can be completed by Jan. 31, 2017. That will allow the city to budget for the construction of the landscaping in a phased approach.

n The city has also completed installing 26 new trees at three sites on Colony Street, Adair Street and Bridge Street.

Funding for the trees came from a successful grant application to B.C. Hydro and its Tree Canada grant.

Four more sites will be completed in the fall.


Vernon Morning Star