The City of Williams Lake issued a media release Tuesday stating that weather conditions are continuing to make predicting fire behaviour around the city difficult. Above, smoke from the White Lake fire shows its close proximity to the end of the Williams Lake River Valley Monday. (Angie Mindus photo)

The City of Williams Lake issued a media release Tuesday stating that weather conditions are continuing to make predicting fire behaviour around the city difficult. Above, smoke from the White Lake fire shows its close proximity to the end of the Williams Lake River Valley Monday. (Angie Mindus photo)

City issues statement on fire behaviour

Fire conditions around Williams Lake continue to change

Variable weather conditions continue to make predicting fire behavior around the city difficult.

The Emergency Operations Centre for the City of Williams Lake is continually monitoring the situation and will be acting with extreme prudence in issuing evacuation alerts, said Geoff Paynton, acting information officer.

“The evacuation alerts for North Broadway and South Lakeside that were issued remain in effect and residents are asked to confirm changing conditions on a regular basis by monitoring radio, credible social media sites, and the City Facebook page.”

At this time there is no imminent danger to any structures or property on the City of Williams Lake.

For information of an urgent nature please call 250-392-2364.

Williams Lake Tribune