The City of Revelstoke has schedule a major announcement for outside city hall on Friday at 8 a.m.

The City of Revelstoke has schedule a major announcement for outside city hall on Friday at 8 a.m.

City making major announcement tomorrow

City of Revelstoke mum on subject of "major community announcement" coming tomorrow at 8 a.m.

The City of Revelstoke will be making a major announcement Friday morning, but it won’t say what it’s about.

City spokesperson Dawn Levesque sent out a media advisory about a “major community announcement” on Friday, at 8 a.m., outside the Second Street entrance to city hall.

No city officials would say what the announcement was about, though here at the Review our best guess is it will involve Federal funding for the Big Eddy Works and/or the new skateboard park.

The CBC is reporting that Prime Minister Stephen Harper is going to drop the writ on the Federal election campaign as early as Sunday. Such a move would put a stop to any pre-campaign funding announcements by the Conservative government,

The city has applied for federal funding for the Big Eddy Waterworks upgrades and the new skateboard park.

Revelstoke Times Review