City management structure review complete

City manager Ken Watson will bring a report to council outlining the process and timeline for implementation of the external report.

The city of Port Alberni’s review on its management structure has been completed, Mayor Mike Ruttan announced at city council on Monday night.

(When the city announced plans to hire a consultant to perform a management review in the spring, the News did its own version. The four-part series was published in April and May 2015 – links to part one, part two, part three and part four. A salary database outlining the numbers and payscales of managers in both Port Alberni and other communities of similar size is currently down for updates—when it is back up it will be linked here.)

“Council hired an independent, external consultant—Judy Rogers Consulting—to conduct a review of core service areas and compensation,” said Ruttan. The report had been received during an in-camera meeting on Oct. 5

“At today’s (Oct. 13) in-camera meeting, council considered the recommendations contained in the report and has provided direction to the city manager to bring back a report outlining the process and timeline for implementation,” said Ruttan.

“The report recommendation and council’s direction relate to personnel issues and therefore must continue to remain in-camera until such time as council completes all its deliberations.”

The review was expected to cost $48,300 plus expenses.

Alberni Valley News