City moving forward on its transportation plan

Public open house and information meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 23

  • Jan. 14, 2013 7:00 a.m.

What are the most pressing transportation challenges facing the City of Langley?

What transportation amenities are needed to help residents get around by bicycle, foot, transit, and car, and the truck/goods movement needed to support business and industry in the City?

How should the City spend its transportation dollars in the future?

These are the types of questions residents and businesses are asked to think about, as the municipality of four square miles updates its master transportation plan.

“To be successful, the development of new City of Langley transportation strategies and programs needs the full participation and input of residents,” said Mayor Peter Fassbender.

Due to rapid growth and recent transportation system changes in the City and surrounding areas, the current MTP, which was adopted in 2004, requires updating.

The new plan, which is to be completed over the next six months, will guide future development of all modes of transportation in the City, including the, bicycle, pedestrian, transit, and road networks over the next 25 years.

Public consultation for the new MTP will commence with an open house on Wednesday, Jan. 23 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the foyer at Langley City Hall, 20399 Douglas Cres.

Those who attend will have the opportunity to review display panels about the current transportation system and its challenges, speak to staff and consultants and share their views about transportation in the City.

The public is also invited to provide additional comments and input on the new MTP after the Jan. 23 open house on the City website at

The consultant, Urban Systems, will prepare preliminary transportation concepts for each of the modes of transportation, to be presented at a second public open house in the spring. For information, visit

Langley Times