The Strathcona Regional District is considering go out on its own when it comes to waste management. File photo

The Strathcona Regional District is considering go out on its own when it comes to waste management. File photo

City of Campbell River asks residents to take action to reduce household waste

Waste Reduction Week 2018

  • Oct. 16, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The City of Campbell River is asking: How does your household reduce waste?

If you want to share your creative ideas, you can post them on Facebook during national Waste Reduction Week.

Between Oct. 15 to 21 – Canada’s 17th annual Waste Reduction Week – the City of Campbell River will feature a number of ways to reduce waste on its Facebook page. Community members are invited to comment to highlight their own actions to reduce household waste.

“Are you taking advantage of the new pilot program to recycle additional plastic packaging in Campbell River? Maybe you’ve come up with creative ways to reduce food waste, and you’re using a backyard composter for kitchen scraps. Or maybe your family is big on second hand shopping and donating clothes that can be used by other people,” Amber Zirnhelt, the City’s manager of long range planning and sustainability, says in a press release. “Or maybe you’ve got a system to share and repair useful items. Let us know how you’re reducing waste. There’s a chance you’ll inspire other people to do the same.”

“People sometimes ask how much waste households generate each year. They might be surprised to know that the latest statistics for volume of garbage landfilled from the average B.C. household is approximately 472 kilograms, equivalent in size to five baby elephants,” says Drew Hadfield, the City’s director of operations. “To get a sense of the space that takes up, try to picture how you’d squeeze all that bulk into a room in your house. Campbell River has limited landfill space and a growing number of households, and the sooner we fill up the landfill, the sooner we have to pay to develop a new site. Being mindful of what we purchase and taking action to reduce our environmental footprint by exhausting all possible uses for our stuff before it ends up in the landfill is the right thing to do for so many reasons.”

Comments will be welcome under posts highlighting Waste Reduction Week themes at and at

Find more information about Waste Reduction Week in Canada online at and on their social media channels @WRWCanada for inspiring links, informational graphics and events.

Campbell River Mirror