City of Campbell River releases videos on how property taxes are spent

City of Campbell River releases videos on how property taxes are spent

With tax notices headed to mailboxes, city wants to clarify how it spends your money

With property tax notices arriving in the mail this week, the City of Campbell River has also published a brochure and two new videos help explain how the city budget is spent.

“We recognize that when people receive their tax notice, they want to know how their tax dollars are spent to deliver local government services,” says city manager Deborah Sargent. “This year, there’s a new look to the brochure that’s mailed with the property tax notice, and we’re launching two animated videos to illustrate the link between local government services, budgeting and property taxes.”

The brochure shows what portion of each tax dollar pay for which services.

“For example, at nine cents out of a dollar of property taxes, the average household in Campbell River contributes approximately $250 for fire service, and the same for parks, recreation and culture services each year,” says Dennis Brodie, the city’s finance reporting supervisor. “At the lower end of the scale, the average household contributes approximately $60 per year to economic development and tourism services, and less than $5 for snow clearing.”

One of the videos the city published this week focuses on the range of city services and funding sources, while the other outlines the role of property taxes, how to use the city’s online tax estimator and reminds citizens of payment options and the importance of claiming the homeowner grant.

Find out more checking out the city’s frequently asked property tax questions published on the city website here.

Property owners who have not received a tax notice by June 8 should contact the City’s Finance Department at 250-286-5715.

Check out the videos themselves below:

Campbell River Mirror