City of Castlegar residents asked to reduce water usage on Monday

Essential use only request as pump maintenance underway

Castlegar residents are being asked by the city to limit water use to essential use only on Monday, March 15.

Mercer Celgar will be performing scheduled maintenance of water pumps on the primary water supply line for the City of Castlegar.

The city says the work will ensure the reliability of water pumps.

“Limiting water consumption is important during this one-day maintenance period,” says Chris Hallam, the city’s director of municipal services. “It helps ensure the city will have adequate water available for fire fighting purposes.”

The city says that water quality and supply to residents and businesses will not be affected.

Mercer Celgar is in the middle of a scheduled maintenance shut down expected to last from March 6 – 26.

READ MORE: Mercer Celgar unveils COVID-19 precautions during maintenance shutdown
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