There were treats for community members of all ages at the Castlegar Giving Thanks Potluck Dinner on Saturday. (Jennifer Bell)

There were treats for community members of all ages at the Castlegar Giving Thanks Potluck Dinner on Saturday. (Jennifer Bell)

City of Castlegar serves up community dinner

The City of Castlegar hosted the Castlegar Giving Thanks Potluck Dinner at Millennium Park on Saturday.

The City of Castlegar hosted the Castlegar Giving Thanks Potluck Dinner at Millennium Park on Saturday.

Councillors were on hand to serve turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and stuffing provided by the City of Castlegar and everyone was invited to come out and enjoy the feast, and to contribute their own dish.

Pie and ice cream were provided by Area J director Rick Smith and Area I director Andy Davidoff, and potluck participants contributed desserts as well.

Castlegar News